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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How do upgrades work?


Upgrades work in a similar way to other SAP add-on solutions. When an upgrade takes place in R/3, the data remains in the R/3 database and D&B access needs to be upgraded (no repository switch upgrade).

How is the software delivered?


D&B for SAP R/3 software is delivered on separate CDs within the Edition shipment and contain a set of transport files that need to be installed in the R/3 system. These transport files are available for R/3 Release 3.1h and higher. The transport files configure an area on the database to hold the D&B data, as well as configuring the SAP software.

Is it difficult to install D&B for SAP R/3?


No, it is very easy. The whole process should take less than half a day. D&B provides in-depth documentation to assist in the installation process.

Didn't D&B compete against SAP, providing client/server software a few years ago?


D&B Software, a former company of The D&B Corporation, did develop and market client/server software. The company was sold to GEAC Computer Company in Toronto in 1996 when the corporation refocused its strategy on delivering content.

What is the price of the D&B data?


D&B has its own pricing models based on the volume of data purchased by customers.

Will the D&B product remain on SAP's global price list?


D&B is the first company to have its online access application D&B for SAP R/3 listed on SAPs global price list. The application will remain on SAP's price list for all non-Edition customers.

Who will provide technical support of the D&B services?


SAP will provide for the first-level support while D&B will handle the second-level support if required.

Who has access to view D&B information SAP R/3?


D&B information is visible from the Credit Management and Accounts Payable screens within the Financial Accounting application of R/3. However, since the information is stored in R/3, it is possible for other users such as sales and marketing associates to view it. However, the customer must configure the SAP security to allow such viewing.

How secure is the existing data in SAP R/3?


Data is secure and kept completely confidential for customers that migrate legacy data to R/3 using the D&B Data Rationalization Service. D&B will not manipulate any existing data in R/3 or take any data from R/3.

Can the D&B Online Access software be customized?


D&B delivers a standard online service for R/3. If a customer wants to customize the software, D&B is willing to provide technical information to support the effort. All customization costs will be incurred by the customer.

What are the technical prerequisites for using D&B for mySAP.com?


Key prerequisites for the installation of the D&B software are that the SAP customer is using at least R/3 Release 3.1 or higher, and that the R/3 Financial Accounting application (incl. Credit Management module) has been implemented and is operational. It is also necessary that the communication server for SAP has been enabled and that connectivity is achieved between the customers R/3 and D&Bs LAN.

What are the benefits in using D&B for SAP Solutions to mySAP.com customers?

  • Real-time, online access to D&Bs risk and financial information on more than 30 million businesses in the U.S. and Europe, 70 million globally via the Global Access version
  • D&B can help cleanse and update the information being transferred from legacy files during the implementation phase
  • Faster implementation
  • High-quality customer and vendor master files
  • Improved performance in R/3
  • Improved risk management
  • Faster and effective lower-cost credit/vendor decisions
  • D&B also contributes to a lower total cost of ownership for the customer
  • D&B's data and services can also be used to speed up data preparation during the implementation phase of an installation and ensure the customer has a high quality customer and vendor master file in mySAP.com

What is Data Rationalization and Online Access?


D&B's Data Rationalization Service cleans, updates and organizes a company's customer and vendor master data, making the transfer of legacy files easier. In a typical project, D&B will consolidate dozens of a company's legacy customer or vendor files containing tens of thousands of records. D&B will clean and scrub, merge and purge data until there is one file with one record for each company in a consistent record format.

Online Access is the ability to access D&B data directly from D&B hosts from within the R/3 applications, either prior to creating a new Master records, or to update an existing record.

Is this partnership a new strategy for D&B and SAP respectively?


Since the ERP market for software and services is estimated to be a $50 billion market by 2002 - establishing partnerships with companies like SAP is key to D&B's embed strategy and long-term growth. SAP is committed to broadening its offering based on customer needs and will continue to work with partners to enhance SAP software.

Is this product/service available globally?


A Global Access version of the product has been made available via a Software Support Package available via SAPNet.

Do you have any customers using the software functionality today that we can talk to?


There are over 60 customers using the service. A number of success stories are available from this Web site.

What kinds of companies (markets) are you targeting with D&B for SAP R/3?


Businesses in any industry that have customers and suppliers and have a high volume of transactions are ideal prospects.

When will the software component be available to mySAP Edition customers?


It will be made available from June and all subsequent mySAP Editions.

What is significant about online access in R/3 to D&B information?


The significance is that solution components allow customers real-time, direct access to business information that previously could not be accessed from within the R/3 software. Customers can now easily and efficiently access business information that they require to make certain decisions.

What are the benefits for SAP and D&B?


SAP differentiates itself from competitors by delivering software and content, which is increasingly becoming a customer focus. The unique combination of standardized software and standardized data that can be processed in R/3 is very attractive to customers.

Do I have to have mySAP.com to be able to use D&B for SAP R/3?


No, the software is available from SAP without the need to purchase or install mySAP.com.

What does the inclusion of D&B for SAP R/3 in mySAP Edition mean for customers?


Basically all mySAP Edition contract holders will automatically receive the D&B for SAP software as part of their regular Edition upgrade shipments. They will be able to install both A/R and A/P versions of the software as many times as they desire under the conditions of their SAP contract, without the need to obtain separate licences for the D&B Add-on.

Is the relationship between D&B and SAP exclusive to either party?


No, the partnership agreement is not exclusive. It allows D&B to work with other application software providers and SAP to team with other content providers.

Describe the nature of the relationship between SAP and D&B?


D&B and SAP have been Global Partners for over a year. D&B are mySAP.com Software Alliance Partners. The joint offering, D&B for SAP R/3, delivered as part of mySAP.com, seamlessly integrates the D&B for SAP R/3® solution and D&B business information for enhanced decision support. D&B also offers a Data Rationalization Service for SAP customers to consolidate, cleanse and eliminate redundant customer and vendor records that originate from a wide variety of sources and multiple formats.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

SAP LIS - Wrong figures in Logistics Information System

Warning - Please test it in developer first.
Alert : It can result in data loss or inaccurate data in your LIS table if not done properly.
This is bound to happened especially if the users made changes to the Purchase Order and you have set the online updates for your LIS. Fields like Material groups are consider keys fields and should not be change as it somehow impact the updates to LIS.
If the figures are wrong for a particular period, you can do a reorganization for all the Purchase Order for the particular months.
Assuming that you want to reorganize the whole S012.
When you execute OLI3, it will locked any Purchase Order that it is processing. Therefore, it is advisable to run it during off office hours.
First Step :-
OLI3 - Statistical setup of info structures from purchasing documents
Info structure to be set up S012
Save under version &(
Tick Delete/create indices
Specify the Purchasing Documents or Document Date
Name of run S012-1
Tick New run?
Date of termination 99.99.9999
Time of termination 99:99:99
Tick Redetermine update group?
Tick Update documents?NPRT - Log for Setup of Statistical Data
Final Step:-OLIX - Copy/delete versions of an info structureFirst Screen
Info structure S012
Processing type Copy + DeleteSecond Screen
Source version &(
Untick Do not copy initial records
Tick Reset target version
Untick No automatic period conversionNow, you can check the figures using transaction MCE5or any of the transaction that uses the table S012.

List of standard Reports in MM

Here are some useful query transactions, note that some rely on LIS records, so it must be activated: MB51 Material Doc. List MB5L List of Stock Values: Balances MBBS Display valuated special stock MC$G PURCHIS: Material PurchVal SelectionMC$I PURCHIS: Material PurchQty SelectionMC.1 INVCO: Plant Anal. Selection: StockMC.2 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection, Rec/IssMC.5 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection, Stock MC.9 INVCO: Material Anal.Selection,StockMC.A INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss MC.L INVCO: Mat.Group Analysis Sel. StockMC48 INVCO: Anal. of Current Stock ValuesMC50 INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock MCBA INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection MCBC INVCO: Stor. Loc. Analysis SelectionMCBE INVCO: Material Analysis Selection MCBK INVCO: MatGrp Analysis Selection MCBR INVCO: Batch Analysis Selection MCE1 PURCHIS: PurchGrp Analysis SelectionMCE3 PURCHIS: Vendor Analysis Selection MCE5 PURCHIS: MatGrp Analysis Selection MCE7 PURCHIS: Material Analysis SelectionMCW3 PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Header MCW4 PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Item ME2L Purchase Orders by Vendor ME2M Purchase Orders by MaterialME2N Purchase Orders by PO NumberMIR6 Invoice Overview MMBE Stock Overview *-- Fernando
How to see the transaction value of sub-contracting for particular period? In MBLB we can see the over all stock value at vendor side. If I refer it in MB51 (For particular period movement type as 541 and Specila stock as “o” it shows the local currency value is zero....)
How to see the stock value for Sale order stock for a perticular period?In MBBS we can see the stock value upto date. *-- Balau namsivayam
What is the report or transaction to check stock transfer?MB5T - Diplay of Stock In Transit
Want to run a report which gives me a list for all open PO ME2N - Selection Parameters - WE101 - Open goods Receipt

Project Status set to TECO

When I set a project on status TECO. We can still do confirmations on the project.
Is there a setting or a way in which we can set the project to TECO and not be able to do confirmations on that particular project?
There is no link between TECO and actual confirmation. It might possible that the project is technically completed but non technical activities are still pending..
All WBS elements, networks and activities are set on status TECO in the project. I have set the status over a week ago and yet am still allowed to do confirmations to the activities in the project.
We did not experience this problem before. It is the first time and it happens for all projects that are set to status TECO.
If you have networks and activities involved your best bet is to use project builder to make a status change at the project definition level which will cascade down to wbs elements, network header and network operations.
You may try setting a DLFG flag and see if it prevents confirmations from occurring on the activities. If you need to undo the deletion flag the sequence is as follows:
Using CJ02 undo DLFG at project definition level then select all wbs elements and perform the same. using CN22 undo DLFG at network header level then select all activities and perform the same.
Project builder allows status set downwards but not undo on all components, therefore requiring CJ02 and CN22 to undo.

List of RA caculated values

In the part of "Result Analysis data" in the result screen after RA operation, there is a field named L(r).
List of RA caculated values: R(p) = Planned revenue for valuationC(p) = Planned costs for valuationM(p) = Planned costs for complaints and commissions for valuationS(p) = Planned special costs (cost of sales = actual costs) for valuationL(real) = Realized lossN(p) = Planned values not taken into accountR(a) = Actual revenueC(a) = Actual costsM(a) = Actual cost of complaints and commissionsS(a) = Actual special costs (cost of sales = actual costs)N(a) = Actual values not taken into accountD(a) = Down paytC(c) = Calculated costsR(c) = Calculated revenueC(av) = Valuated actual costsM(av) = Valuated cost of complaints/commissionsPOC = Percentage of completionC(r) = Reserves for unrealized costsR(r) = Revenue surplusC(z) = Work in process (capitalized costs)R(z) = Revenue in excess of billingsM(r) = Reserves for cost of complaints and commissionsCOS = Cost of salesR(n) = Revenue aff. net income

Stop Commitments Before Release Of Projects

We are creating projects via Appropriation requests. The theory is that no commitments should be created before the project is released. However, we have proven that users can change the Res./Purc. indicator to 'immediate' before the project has been released. If the approver does not pick up that the project is not released yet, they can even create a Purchase order.
You can not remove authorisation for the "immediate" indicator, because the indicator changes when you release the project from "from release" to "immediate".How can we stop ANY committments from being created until the project has been released?
In OPSC make sure the Release immediately has been unmarked.In transac OPUA (field selection network header) go to influencing choose network profile or controlling area depending on which you want to customize. Set the field "Reservation/Purc.req" CAUFVD-AUDISP make it to only displauy.Go to transac OPUC (field selection network details) go to influencing, choose network profile or contolling area to which you want to customize the setting. Set it to change and in the field "Reservation/Purc.req" - AFVGD-AUDISP make it to only display. This would prevent the users from changing it to display when they create and assign activities to networks/projects.
One more customization, in transac OPUU in the network tab make sure the setting is for 2 (from release)
A very effective way to handle this is using User status management .go to tcode bs02 and define a status profile which can be defaulted in the project profile, in the status profile define proj definition,WBS,network header and network activity as the infulenced object types.
Create a status "blck" as an initital status and in the business transaction field block PR and PRQ creation.Next create a status"allw" which will be set after project is released and allow PR and PRQ creation after status is set

What is WBS element?

1) What is WBS element?2) What is the Tcode to get to that screen?3) What is the need and pupose of WBS element?4) Do we happen to work on Functional module during our implementaion project?5) In what scenario/situation we will be working on WBS?
WBS is nothing but Work Breakdown Structure. It is mainly used in Project System (PS) module. Tcode : CJ20N
For any project defined we must have atleast one WBS. Within this WBS we can have networks. Networks are nothing but the series of activities. Material are used to perform the activities.
To explain in detail just consider one example:
Govt of india wants to have Roads to be build through out the india. So Project can be defined in sap as "Connectivity".
WBS can be roads within different states like Roads for Gujarat, Karnataka etc.. i.e. WBS Gujarat, WBS Karnataka etc.
We can define different networks for these WBS like Road Between Ahmedabad to Surat or Between Bangalore to Belgham.
For this network we can have many activities like Land selection, Land Preparation, Road Building, Final finishing etc etc.
Hemal's example was a good example. Project Systems comes into play only when the industry's business is based on projects like... Construction companies, Engineer to Order scenarios. You may not see anyone using PS module for retail business. As Hemal explained in that example, you have a main project which is broken down into WBS elements. You can use the TC CJ20N to create the project and the WBS elements. Each WBS may have mutiple Networks associated and each Network may have multiple Network Activities as explained in the example by Hemal.On the Sales Order, if your client is implementing PS module, you may have to attach the Sales Order to the WBS element it belongs to. WBS element is nothing but a bucket where all the activities belonging to that particular part of the project are captured. In the example, WBS Gujurat will tell you how many Sales Orders were created for the Gujurat sector, howmuch was spent on raw materials, what's the currect stock ([roject stock) available. How many Production Orders have been confirmed and howmany of them are getting confrmed in the future. How many invoices have been generated or how much revenue has been generated for that particular sector. How many deliveries have been made, what deliverables are still not accomplished. So as you can see, PS is the center stage for all the modules that are being implemented like FI/CO, SD, MM, PP in this example. You can have cost centers and work centers defined. You can also have profit centers assigned at the plant level and get reports on varius selection criteria. In a complete cycle of PS, like in reality, you initiate a project, you confirm/release the WBS/activities as per requirement, you execute the project and you close it. One cannot initiate an activity unless it has been released by the project manager. Everything is accountable here and every dime is counted and at the end you know howmuch did you spend or make on each sector (WBS). Dont get confused with the term sector here... I am using it just for the explaination purposes. :)In one typical example, the company I was working with until not too long ago, had Deliveries from the Project (TC: CNS0). We never used VL01N. We used CNS0 to create a delivery and then used VL02N for confirming the picking quantity for the already created delivery document.I hope this should help you at least a bit. I'm not a PS consultant so I may not know a whole lot but trying going to CJ20N and you will see a lot yourself. PS concultants are one of the highest paid consultants. Their supply is less and so is the demand. They are expected to understand real world business processes very well and they are generally the center stage of a project.

Aggregate POC Calculation

When we confirm activities and see it in cns41 report we can see that the POC is aggregated at the Network,WBS and porject level. How does the system calculate this.. i.e on what factors and criteria?
Result analysis determines the costs & revenues belong to the period, along with the Work in progress (WIP) or Reserves.
Result analysis calculation is based on the planned / actual Cost & Revenue.
POC (Percentage of Completion) determines by the valuation method you opt …
The formula for POC :
POC = R (a) / R (P) Revenue Proportionate
POC = C (a) / C (p) Cost Proportionate
Result Analysis Determines:
- Calculated Costs C(c) = POC X C (p) Same for Revenue - WIP (If C(a) >C (c) ) WIP = C(z)= C(a) - C(p)- Reserves for unrealized costs (if C(a) <> R(c) ) R (r) = R(a) –R(c)
Revenue Proportionate RA:
In some project you have R(p) =3000$C (p) = 2000$R (a) = 1200$C (a) = 1000$
Then POC = 1200 /3000 = 40 %
C(c) = POC X C(p) = 40 % X 2000 = 800$
WIP = C(z) = C(a) –C(c) = 1000-800 =200$

Dynamic Selection on Report Not Working

I have several reports on which the dynamic selection is not working. For instance, the report CN43N. The report is outputting all data in a year i.e it is disregarding the condition I specified in the dynamic selection fields.
Is there some configuration to make to this report so that the dynamic selection works?
Include field are only possible for fields are realte to PS table:
1. Execute Transaction SE36.
2. Logical Database Builder: PSJ
3. Choose "Extras -> Selection views".
4. Copy selection view "SAP" to "CUS".
5. Change view "CUS".
6. Go to "Tables", select the correct table, for example table ACT01 for object type "Activity".Here, you must ensure that this table is also listed under "Extras -> Dynamic selections" - only these tables can be used.
7. Double-click on the table name.
8. In the "Fields of the table", select the fields desired and allocate them to one of the "Functional groups". 9. Save.
