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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Asset Value Date in Settlement

We are doing line item settlement in our system. As the settlement is done at the WBS level, all the assets capitalized would have the same asset value date. Is it possible to have different asset value date for different line items?

Yes, provided you do the settlement run on different dates. Also check the FI settings for settlement strategy.

SAP Standard defaults the following scenario:

An asset can only be in use/productive. This means the deliverable/asset must be completed.

This is the same as the status TECO (technically complete). When you capitalize (settle to asset), then the system takes the date when the WBS status changed to TECO, and defaults this date as the asset value. All the line items in the WBS will therefore assume the TECO date of the WBS and that is why all the line items in the WBS have the same asset value date.

All the individual line items contributes together to one unique asset, and all have the same value date of the unique asset, which was derived, from the TECO date of the WBS.

This can be adjusted and changed in the FI-AA module, but make sure you understand the implications. The asset value date is used to derive the start date for depreciation, and depreciation is normally governed externally by a governmental institution, and your company must adhere to this external requirements. Consult with your company's auditor/financial executive to get the applicable rules and make sure your settings faals within this requirements.

Various Cost Planning Methods in PS

I have come across various cost Planning methods like:
(1) Easy Cost Planning
(2) Unit Costing
(3) Detailed Cost Planning
(4) Network Costing
When do we go for each of these methods, practically.
In general implementation, which Cost Planning would be used?

Here is a very brief overview for you:

Easy Cost Planning(ECP) is really Unit Costing with a pretty face (MysapCom). It is used in Transaction CJ20N (Project Builder) only.

You can set up 'Cost Models' in ECP using Characteristics which can be used to calculate values and automatically create Cost Plan Line Items - this is useful for companies who have pre-set planning methods (eg. Planning costs for building a bicycle, or a chemical test that requires known materials, labour, services and general costs.). It is a very flexible tool.

An extention to ECP is Execution Services, which allows you to automatically generate Material Reservations, Purchase Requisitions and Activity Allocations. Its disadvantages (versus Networks) is that the planned costs are all aggregated to one WBS (unless you split your WBS's up to reflect the work you are doing - Labour, Materials, Equipment etc).

Therefore, actual costs hit the WBS itself, not the line-item to which you planned. Disadvantages of ECP is that it does not distribute planned costs across time (no distribution rule). Also, there is no scheduling (start-finish, dependencies). Configuration for ECP is relatively straight forward. Costs for ECP can be planned against any Plan Version (default is Plan Version 0).

Networks allow you to plan costs via objects called Network Activities. They can be maintained not only in CJ20N, but also in CJ2D. They are a little more complex to use, but they allow you to have a networked structure. Each Network Activity can have planned costs for Work Centre/Activity Type, Stock/Non-stock Materials, Services and General Costs by Cost Element. Activities can have a list of Material Components.

Networks will generate Material Reservations and/or Purchase Requisitions automatically. Configuration can be very complex. All costs for Networks are sent to Plan Version 0. Distribution of costs across time is supported.
Detailed Cost Planning is used when you simply want to plan your costs via Cost Elements. You can plan these costs against any Plan Version.

For a quick, easy planning method, ECP cannot be beaten as long as you don't want complex scheduling.

It is impossible to list all the feature/advantages/disadvantages to the planning methods in this.

Project Objects

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Project Objects


We have found that there are more than one WBS for an object. This is
supposed to be a unique relationship i.e. one to one.
On doing an object find for a Project Characteristic you obtain the
object numbers (that is WBS elements internal numbers) of the objects
that contain the characteristics. Using T.code SE16 you can find the WBS
element number of the object. On doing this search we have found
multiple WBS elements for the same object number. On investigating the
situation, we found that in most instances the "other" object another
WBS element in the same structure or one created shortly after the
correct WBS element.

We have not yet found out why this happens, what the solution is or if
we have found all occurrences.

Has anybody encountered something similar?


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Project Objects

In PRPS, there is 4 fields that refer to an SAP object:
POSID is the WBS element identifyer the user see on the screen
PSPNR is the internal SAP project item number (which IS unique)
OBJNR is the SAP object number (made out prefix 'PR' and the internal
project item number. It is also the number that is stored in the Costs tables.
PSPHI is the internal current number of the project the WBS element belongs

All these numbers are absolutely unique. But all WBS elements in the same
project will share the same PSPHI, which indicates the project (from the
PROJ database).

The reason why you have an internal SAP number (PSPNR) and an external
number (POSID) is to allow the user to change the WBS element identifyer
without losing all the history.

Check to make sure you were looking at the right object number.

Hope that helps,

-----End of Message-----

Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS

----Original Message-----
Subject: Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS

How can make a settlement from a WBS to an AUC that was created from other WBS ?. The system send me a message
AA 311 You cannot posted to the AUC ( Investment Support Measure ). The Help told me that i need flagg a WBS like a
Capital Investment Measure, i search in all fields of the structure but i dont found nothing...Sombody can help me please....

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS


go to the WBS element Control data tab and enter the investment profile field. then it will allow u to create an AUC.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS

Thank You.

-----End of Message-----

Investment Management

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Investment Management - Urgent! Urgent !

We wish to incorporate monthly spending plans in IM(Investment Management). Has anybody had any success in
implementing this in conjunction with having Annual and Overall Budget Management.


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: Investment Management - Urgent! Urgent !

Have not tried using monthly plans in IM, but have used multiple plan versions in PS (all IM measures in my co. are linked to
projects). PS reporting allows selection of the plan version for comparison to budget.
Most effective use is for cumulative monthly cost plans. Also suggest that you would want to use a unique identifier for monthly
plans vs. overall project plans in your naming/numbering conventions.

-----End of Message-----


-----Original Message-----


I tried to close a project # 2600000089. I am getting an error message " There is still WIP for WBS 2600000089 ".

The long text suggests that " Calculate the WIP for WBS 2600000089 so that it can be cleared. Then settle WBS 2600000089, including the cleared WIP in the settlement ".

I am not clear with this information. What should I do for this ??

We went from 3.1H to 3.1I about 20 days back. In 3.1H I have never come across like this..

Thank you ..

-----Reply Message-----

Typically this occurs for one of two reasons:
- You have costs on the WBS that need to be settled to a cost center or other WBS
- You have RA that still needs to be run and settled
This can get comlicated if you are not doing full settlement as you will have to open up the past periods to fix it.

-----Reply Message-----


You cannot close the project if you have a WIP value in it. It's because:

1. No invoice has been generated for that project. (fully invoiced status hasn't been reached). If you generate the invoice, the WIP value will be transferred to cost of sales.

2. Invoice has been generated but the WIP value is not yet settled fully due to some provision as provided by the difference between your plan values and actual values. Have both values equal and run the RA and settlement again. Once WIP is zero, then change the status to CLOSED.

-----End of Message-----

Budget Exceeded Even When There is Amount Available

WBS element budget exceeded even when there is amount available. Is there any percentage between the amount available and amount to be paid that the system determines before paying an invoice. Where is this configuration made?

Check your budget profile in the IMG (trx. OPS9).

Select the F1 help function on the following fields:

1. "Total values" in the Timeframe block
2. "Annual values" in the Timeframe block
3. All five fields in the "Availability Control" block
Verify then if any conflict exist in the logic of your settings.

Secondly, go to your configuration settings in the IMG regarding the Tolerance limits for Availability control.

Check your SPRO setting under Project System>Costs>Budget>Define Tolerance Limits.

As per the setting in spro for budget tolerance limit, system gives you the message. Here you set at what %age of releases budget, system will give you message and the type of message also like warning or error along with the area where you want to put this budget check.

The column "Activity" stipulates the action to be taken by the system when you reach the percentage of expenditure as stipulated in the column "Usage".

Activity = 1 (Warning)
Usage = 95 (percentage)

In this example, the system will issue a warning when your total expenditure (actual costs) reach 95% of the budget amount. This is checked by the system, based on the settings in the budget profile as stated above.

List Of User Exit Related to VL01N

I need to some restriction in fields ( Actual GI Date, T-Code:Vl01n ).
How do you find out whcih user exits belongs to VL01n ?

Here is the list of user exit related to VL01N :

V02V0001 - Sales area determination for stock transport order
V02V0002 - User exit for storage location determination
V02V0003 - User exit for gate + matl staging area determination

Staging Area Determination (Item)
V50PSTAT - Delivery: Item Status Calculation
V50Q0001 - Delivery Monitor: User Exits for Filling Display Fields
V50R0001 - Collective processing for delivery creation
V50R0002 - Collective processing for delivery creation
V50R0004 - Calculation of Stock for POs for Shipping Due Date List
V50S0001 - User Exits for Delivery Processing
V53C0001 - Rough workload calculation in time per item
V53C0002 - W&S: RWE enhancement - shipping material type/time slot
V53W0001 - User exits for creating picking waves
VMDE0001 - Shipping Interface: Error Handling - Inbound IDoc
VMDE0002 - Shipping Interface: Message PICKSD (Picking, Outbound)
VMDE0003 - Shipping Interface: Message SDPICK (Picking, Inbound)
VMDE0004 - Shipping Interface: Message SDPACK (Packing, Inbound)