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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS

----Original Message-----
Subject: Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS

How can make a settlement from a WBS to an AUC that was created from other WBS ?. The system send me a message
AA 311 You cannot posted to the AUC ( Investment Support Measure ). The Help told me that i need flagg a WBS like a
Capital Investment Measure, i search in all fields of the structure but i dont found nothing...Sombody can help me please....

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS


go to the WBS element Control data tab and enter the investment profile field. then it will allow u to create an AUC.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Settlement From WBS to AUC that was created from other WBS

Thank You.

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