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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Assets and Liabilities Closing Tcodes

1. Process Depreciation Run
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Periodic processing -> Depreciation run -> Execute - AFAB

2. Process Investment Grant
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Periodic processing -> Investment grant
- AR11

3. Process Revaluation
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Periodic processing -> Revaluation for the balance sheet -> Post revaluation - AR29

4. AA Fiscal Year Change
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Periodic processing -> Fiscal year change - AJRW

5. AA Fiscal Year Close – Account Reconciliation
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Periodic processing -> Year-end closing -> Account reconciliation - ABST2

6. AA Fiscal Year Close
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Periodic processing -> Year-end closing -> Execute - AJAB

7. Produce Asset History Sheet
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Info system -> Reports on Asset Accounting -> Balance Sheet Explanations -> International -> Asset History Sheet


Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Fixed assets -> Info system -> Reports on Asset Accounting -> Balance Sheet Explanations -> Country Specifics - various

8. Produce GR/IR Balance Report
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Inventory Management -> Environment -> Balances Display -> List of GR/IR Bals. - MB5S

9. Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Invoice Verification -> Invoice Verification -> Further processing -> Maintain GR/IR acct - MR11

10. Material Revaluations – Price Changes (manual)
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Price Determination -> Change price - MR21

11. Material Revaluations – Debit/Credit Material
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Price Determination -> Debit/cred. material - MR22

12. Product Costing Material Price Change
Accounting -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Product Cost Planning -> Material Costing -> Price Update - CK24

13. Material Ledger Closing
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Actual Costing/Material Ledger -> Periodic material valuation -> Post closing - CKMI

14. Materials Management Closing
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Material Master -> Other -> Close period - MMPV

15. Materials Management Closing – Control Posting to Prior Period
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Material Master -> Other -> Allow posting to previous period - MMRV

16. Lowest Value Determination – Market Prices
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Bal. sheet valuation -> Determ. lowest values -> Market prices - MRN0

17. Lowest Value Determination – Range of Coverage
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Bal. sheet valuation -> Determ. lowest values -> Range of coverage - MRN1

18. Lowest Value Determination – Movement Rate
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Bal. sheet valuation -> Determ. lowest values -> Movement rate - MRN2

19. Lowest Value Determination – Loss-Free Valuation
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Bal. sheet valuation -> Determ. lowest values -> Loss-free valuation - MRN3

20. LIFO Valuation
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Bal. sheet valuation -> LIFO Valuation - Various

21. FIFO Valuation
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Valuation -> Valuation -> Bal. sheet valuation -> FIFO Valuation - Various

22. Physical Inventory Processing
Logistics -> Materials Management -> Physical Inventory - Various

23. Analyze GR/IR Clearing Accounts and Display Acquisition Tax
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Regroup -> GR/IR clearing - F.19

24. Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Regrouping -> Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing - OBYP

25. Print Balance Confirmation
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> A/P or A/R -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Check/count -> Balance confirmation: Print


Accounting -> Financial accounting -> A/P or A/R -> Periodic processing -> Print correspondence -> Balance confirmation -> Print letters - F.17

26. Configure Balance Confirmation
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> A/P or A/R -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Check/count ->…


Accounting -> Financial accounting -> A/P or A/R -> Periodic processing -> Print correspondence -> Balance confirmation - F.1B, F.1A

27. Post Individual Value Adjustment
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Accounts receivable -> Document entry -> Other -> Intern. trans. posting -> Without clearing - F-21

28. Define Account Determination for Flat-Rate Individual Value Adjustment
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuate -> Valuations -> Define Accounts OBB0

29. Configure Flat-Rate Individual Value Adjustment
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuate -> Valuations ->… SPRO

30. Calculate Flat-Rate Individual Value Adjustment
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Accounts receivable -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Valuate -> Further valuations - F107

31. Writing-Off Doubtful Receivables
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Accounts receivable -> Document entry -> Other -> Intern. trans. psting -> With clearing - F-30

32. Customizing Exchange Rates
IMG -> General Settings -> Currencies - Various

33. Maintaining Exchange Rates
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Environment -> Current settings -> Enter exchange rates - OB08

34. Customizing Valuation Methods
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuating -> Foreign Currency Valuation -> Define Valuation Methods - OB59

35. Foreign Currency Open Item Valuation
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing>>Valuate -> Valuation of Open Items in Foreign Currency - F.05

36. Account Determination for Exchange Rate Differences
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuating -> Foreign Currency Valuation -> Prepare automatic postings for foreign currency valuation - OBA1

37. Regroup Receivables and Payables
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> A/P or A/R -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Regroup -> Receivables/ Payables - F101

38. Account Determination for Regrouping Receivables and Payables
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Regrouping - OBBV, OBBW, OBBX

39. Revalue Foreign Currency G/L Account Balances
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Valuate -> Foreign Currency Valuation of Inventory - F.06

40. Posting Accruals/Deferrals
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Valuate -> Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. - FBS1

41. Posting Accrual/Deferral Reversal
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Valuate -> Reverse Accrual/Deferral Document - F.81

42. Generate Recurring Entry Posting
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Recurring Entries -> Execute - F.14

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