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Friday, September 12, 2008

Banking Transaction Financial Accounting Entries

Settlement Of Tour Advances Domestic/Foreign
1) Settlement of advance will be done by the Accounts Department based on the Travel Expense Statement submitted by the employee, which is approved by the Concerned Department Head.

2) Expenses Account DR
Cash/Bank Account DR (if, refund)
Employee Advance Account CR
Cash/Bank Sub ledger Account CR (if, payable)

3) Banking Operations - Maintenance Of Bank Master

4) A House Bank is a combination of a Bank and a Branch. Account id is the account number. A house bank can have multiple account IDs.. There could be a main account as also payable account, which will be defined as separate account ids. General Ledger accounts have to be created for each combination of a house bank and account ID. The bank master details are to be provided by HZL.

5) General Ledger accounts have to be created for each account ID in the house bank. Bank Account Master data will be maintained by the Finance Department centrally.

6) Each house bank and account ID combination shall have one main general ledger account and several sub accounts mainly based on broad transaction types. These sub accounts are necessary to facilitate automatic bank reconciliation process in R/3 system.

Bank Accounting
7) The accounting entries will be generated automatically according to the posting rules attached to the Transaction type. The following accounting entry is passed by the system in respect of cheque deposit on account of collection from domestic customers.

Bank cheque deposit account Debit
Customer account Credit

8) In this case, a bank sub account is selected based on the transaction code entered by the user. The customer account is cleared i.e. invoice is cleared against the receipt. In respect of any other deposits, the relevant accounts to be credited will depend on the nature of transaction.

9) Payment against bills for collection. Based on the bank advices falling due on a particular day one payment advice is made debiting the vendors and crediting bank.

Cheque Deposit - Customer Receipts
10) All cheques received from customers shall be accounted at the point of receipt. The entry posted shall be

Bank Sub account Dr
Customer Account Cr

Cheque Deposit - Other Than Customer Receipts
11) All other receipts will be accounted through the Incoming Payment Transaction of the Accounts Receivables module.

Cheque Bouncing – Other Than Customer Receipts

12) Based on the information of cheque bounced from the Bank, the accounts Department will pass accounting entries for the cheque that have been bounced. The procedure to handle bouncing of a cheque has been discussed under the following

13) Reset the clearing document – If the document has been cleared i.e. an open outstanding item has been cleared against an incoming receipt, then the clearing document has to be reset to its original status of open item. This process is known as reset of cleared document.

14) Reverse the entry passed for cheque deposited earlier – Once the document has been reset it will be reversed. The following accounting entry will be passed.
FI Customer DR
Bank cheque deposit account CR

15) In case of cheques being damaged while printing, the concerned cheques no. has to be voided and the payment will be rerun.

Bank Reconciliation
16) The Bank reconciliation process is based on the entries passed through the Bank sub account and main account. The process is dependent on the Bank Statement received from the Bank that will be entered into SAP. Accounting rules are to be defined for each transaction type and posting rule for posting accounting entries as per bank statement. Bank statements to be uploaded into SAP.

17) Bank Main account balance is the actual balance as per the bank statement whereas the Bank sub accounts denote the reconciliation items. These sub accounts show those entries, which will flow from the sub account which are not cleared in the bank statement.

18) Adding or subtracting the Bank sub accounts will help in preparing the Bank reconciliation statement.

19) The following scenarios would explain the reconciliation process:
- Cheque received from customer
- Cheque issued to vendors
- Cheque received from Other than Customers
- Direct Debits in Bank Statement
- Direct Credits in Bank Statement
- Fund Transfer between Bank Accounts

Cheque Received From Customer
20) Accounting entry at the time of cheque deposit entry
Bank Cheque deposit account Debit
Customer Credit

21) Accounting entry after cheque has been cleared in the Bank statement Main Bank account
Debit Bank
Cheque deposit account Credit

22) The clearing criteria for updating the bank main account and bank sub account will be amount and document number which will be captured in the allocation field of the bank sub account. The items, which have not been cleared in the bank statement, will remain open in the bank sub account and will form part of the bank reconciliation statement.

Cheque Issued To Vendors
23) Accounting entry at the time of cheque issue
Vendor account Debit
Bank cheque payment account Credit

24) Accounting entry after cheque has been presented in the Bank
Bank cheque payment account Debit
Main Bank account Credit

25) The clearing criteria used for updating vendor account and Bank cheque payment account will be amount and cheque number. The cheques presented to the bank and are cleared are transferred to the bank main account. The remaining cheque issued will form part of the bank reconciliation statement.

Direct Debit In Bank
26) Direct debit instructions will be given to the bank for example, LC payments or certain bank charges are directly debited in the Bank Statement. In this case accounting entry is passed only after the entry is passed in the bank statement.
Vendor / Expense Account Debit
Bank clearing account Credit

Direct Credit In Bank
27) Customer receipts are sometimes directly credited in Bank. E.g. export receipts. In this scenario accounting entry is passed only at the time of bank statement entry. The following accounting entry is passed
Bank clearing account Debit
Customer account Credit
Main Bank A/c Debit
Bank Clearing A/c Credit

Bank Fixed Deposits
28) HZL has a practice of converting any amount above Rs. 1 crore in its Main bank account, to a fixed deposit subject to a minimum of Rs. 1.01 crores. The FDR number can be filled in one of the fields available in the accounting document.

Cheque Management / Cheque Printing Cum Advice
29) The function of cheque management will enable printing of cheque through SAP. Cheque series will be defined for a combination of a Company code and Bank Account. Cheque numbering will be sequential order.

30) Cheque series for automatic payment has to be in sequential order. Cheque printing facility will be available for the bank account.

Cash Management / Liquidity Analysis
31) The day-to-day treasury process in a company includes a number of transactions. This includes determining the current liquidity using bank account balances (cash position), determining open receivables and liabilities (liquidity forecast), manually entering planned cash flows (payment advice notes), through to clearing bank accounts, that is, collecting multiple bank account balances on one target account.

32) The main objective is to ensure liquidity for all due payment obligations. It is also important to control and monitor effectively the incoming and outgoing cash flows.

33) This section shows you the overall liquidity status of your company by displaying together the cash position and the liquidity forecast. The cash position is used in Cash Management to show the value-date-dependent bank accounts and bank clearing accounts, as well as the planned cash flows (payment advice notes). The liquidity forecast comprises the incoming and outgoing cash flows, as well as the planned items on the sub-ledger accounts.

allsap Reversal Entry In Accounting FICO Account Posting

Why do we pass reversal enteries?

At times some incorrect documents might have been entered in the systems.

If you have entered an incorrect document, you can reverse it. Note that R/3 can reverse a document only if the following conditions are met:

- Contains no cleared items
- Contains only vendor, customer, or G/L line items
- Was posted within the FI system
- Contains only valid values, such as business areas, cost centers, and tax codes

Ordinarily, you post a reversing document in the same period you posted the original document. The period of the original document must be open to post a reversing document. If the period is not open, you can overwrite the posting date field with a date in an open period, such as the current period.

Reversal can be done individually - FB08 or Mass F.80.

If the document to be reveresed contain cleared items, then cleared item must be reset before the reversal of document.

Vendor Invoice Verification Accounting Entries FICO Account Posting allsap-live


The detail process related to invoice verification is documented in Materials Management Document.
On receipt of vendor bill the following entry will be passed:

GR/IR Account DR
Freight Clearing Account DR
Cenvat Clearing Account DR
Vendor Account CR

Invoice Verification for Foreign Vendor
On receipt of vendor bill the following entry will be passed:

GR/IR Account DR
Vendor Account CR

Invoice Verification for Custom vendor
On receipt of Vendor bill the follo wing entry will be passed:
1) RG 23A/RG 23C Part 2 A/c (CVD) A/c DR
Cenvat Clearing A/c CR
2) G/R I/R A/c DR
Cenvat Clearing A/c DR
Vendor A/c CR
3) Cost of Material A/c DR
Vendor A/c (Customs) CR

Invoice Verification for Freight / Clearing Agent
Cost of Material A/c DR
Vendor A/c (Clearing Agent) CR

Invoice Verification for Octroi Expenses
Cost of Material DR
Vendor A/c (Octroi) CR

TDS (Work Contract Tax) for Service Orders shall be calculated and deducted accordingly.
The following entry will be passed on bill passing:

Expenses Account DR
Vendor Account CR
TDS Account CR

The material shall be returned to the vendor using the
Return to vendor movement type in SAP
Creating a Return PO

These transactions will be processed in the MM module.
The accounting entries will be :

Returns after GRN
GR/IR A/c Dr
Stock A/c Cr

The accounting in respect of debit / credit memos for FI vendors, the process will be similar to that of invoice processing. The accounting entries will be:
On issue of debit note
Vendor Account DR
Expenses Account CR

In respect of import vendor - capital goods exchange differences are to be accounted manually through a Journal Voucher for capitalization.
Exchange rate differences will be accounted at HO. An example of the accounting entry in this case shall be:
Invoice entry @ 40 INR: 1 USD

Asset / Expense A/c DR 100
Vendor A/c CR 100

Payment Entry @ 41 INR: 1 USD
Vendor A/c DR 100
Bank A/c CR 110
Exchange rate loss Capital A/c DR 10

Asset A/c DR 10
Exchange rate loss Capital A/c CR 10

A new G/L account shall be created for the special G/L transactions.
The accounting entry for making the down payment shall be:
Advance to supplier account Debit
Bank A/c Credit

When the invoice is booked the following entry is passed
GR/IR account Debit
Vendor account Credit
Clearing of Invoice against Down Payment
Vendor A/c Debit
Vendor down payment account Credit

Wherever, TDS is applicable, the TDS will be deducted at the time of down-payment to the vendor.
Down Payment for Capital (tangible) Assets

Down payment to vendors for capital acquisitions is to be reported separately in the Balance Sheet under the head Capital Work in Progress. Hence down payment for capital goods would be tracked through a separate special general ledger indicator.

The procedure to be followed is:
Definition of alternative reconciliation accounts for Accounts Payable for posting down payments made for Capital assets
Clearing the down payment in Accounts Payable with the closing invoice.
A new G/L account shall be created for the special G/L transactions.
The accounting entry for making the down payment shall be:

Vendor Advance for Capital Goods Account Debit
Bank A/c Credit
When the invoice is booked the following entry is passed
Asset A/c / Asset WIP Debit
Vendor A/c Credit
Clearing of Invoice against Down Payment
Vendor A/c Debit
Vendor Advance for Capital Goods Account Credit

The Following are the TDS Rates (to be confirmed with the recent changes)
Particulars Tax Rate Surcharge Rate Total
Contractors – 194 C 2% 5% 2.10%
Advertising – 194 C 1% 5% 1.05%
Prof. Fees – 194 J 5% 5% 5.25%
Rent – Others – 194 I 15% 5% 15.75%
Rent – Company – 194 I 20% 5% 21%
Commission – 194H 5% 5% 5.25%
Interest - Others – 194 A 10% 5% 10.50%
Interest – Company – 194 A 20% 5% 21%
Special Concessional Tax
Works Contract Tax

Bank A/c DR
Security Deposit Vendor CR

EMD to give the age so as to enable the same to be transferred to unclaimed EMD account.

Employee Advances will be paid by the Accounts Department unit wise based on the requisition or recommendation of the respective departmental head.
Employee Travel Advance A/c DR
Cash / Bank Account CR

Sales and Distribution Accounting Entries FICO Account Posting allsap-live

Invoices will be generated at the Smelters and stock points. The accounting entries for the sale of goods despatched will flow from the Sales invoice generated in SAP Sales and Distribution module. The following entries shall be passed
Customer Account Dr
Revenue Cr
Excise Duty Payable Cr
Sales Tax Payable (local or central) Cr

Note: As mentioned above in the FI document, which is created in the background, the SD invoice number shall be captured. However as per the current accounting procedure the accounting entry passed is as follows :-
Customer Account Dr
Revenue Cr
Excise Duty Billed Cr
Sales Tax Payable (local or central) Cr

Excise duty paid a/c Dr
Excise duty payable a/c Cr

There have been very few export transactions in the past. SAP system will be designed to handle export business. Exports are mainly from the mines and will be handled at the mines, however the documentation part will be taken care at the Head Office. The accounting entry is:
Customer Account Dr
Revenue (Exports) Cr

The realisation of export sales will be directly credited to the bank. The accounting entries will be as follow:
Bank Dr
Customer Cr
Exchange Fluctuation Dr/ Cr

The accounting entries will be:
Rebates/Discounts Dr
Customer Cr

Debit Memos shall be issued in case of price difference, sale tax difference and interest on usance period and overdue payments.

The accounting entries for two possible scenarios are as follows:
Price Undercharged:
Customer Account Dr.
Revenue Cr.
Sales tax payable Cr.
Sales tax undercharged
Customer Account Dr.
Sales tax adjustment Cr.

Interest on delayed payments/usance period and other charges
Customer Account Dr.
Interest Others Cr.

In case of HZL a complete retirement or a partial retirement of asset is done. The system uses the asset retirement date to determine the amount to be charged off for each depreciation area. The existing accounting policy is to provide depreciation for the full quarter in which the asset is sold/discarded, recommended that the depreciation be provided from the date of acquisition on prorata basis .

Accounting entry for sale of Asset to customers:
Customer Account Dr
Asset Sale Cr
Accumulated Depreciation Dr
Loss on Sale (if applicable) Dr
Asset Sale account Dr
Asset account Cr
Profit on sale (if applicable) Cr

Note: In case of any Sales Tax /Excise duty applicable for this transaction, SAP will calculate the Sales Tax/Excise Duty based on the Tax Code selected the entry is posted to the GL Account (Sales Tax Payable)

Accounting entry for sale without a customer:
Accumulated Depreciation Dr
Loss on Sale (if applicable) Dr
Asset Sale account Dr
Asset account Cr
Profit on sale (if applicable) Cr

Accounting entry for scrap
Accumulated Depreciation Dr
Loss on Sale of Assets Dr
Asset account Cr

The sale of scrap (non-stock) shall be mapped as a direct manual FI entry. The customer will be created as a FI customer. No Logistics module will be involved in the process.

A FI Invoice will be prepared for the sale of scrap with the following entries:
Customer Dr
Sale of Scrap Cr
Excise Duty Payable Cr

Advances are received from the customers against delivery. These advances will be recorded in a special general ledger account. The accounting entry for the same will be:
Bank Account Dr
Advance Customer Payments Cr

These advances will be later on adjusted against the invoices raised on the customers. Advances can be adjusted against more than one invoice at the time of clearing of the invoices against advances.

Adjustment of Advances
Customer Account Cr
Advance Customer Payments Dr

A financial document would be created for each Bank Guarantee received and this document number will be referred to in the Sales Order which would then monitor the value and the validity of the of the Bank Guarantee instrument wise while doing the billing.The letter of credit /Bank guarantee given will be recorded as a noted item.

Accounting Entry for Goods receipt
Stock/Inventory account Dr
GR/IR account Cr
Freight clearing account Cr

Accounting Entry on invoice verification of supplier
Vendor account Cr

Accounting Entry on invoice verification of freight vendor
Freight clearing account Dr
Freight Vendor account Cr

Based on the Purchase order and the Quantity actually received Goods Receipts (GR) will be done. Based on the GR done the following accounting entry will be passed in the Financial Accounts
RM/PM Stock Account Dr
GR/IR Account Cr
Freight Clearing Account Cr

On receipt of the excise invoice cum gate pass the following entry will be passed
RG 23 A / RG 23 C Part 2 Account Dr
Cenvat Clearing Account Cr

Inventory Accounting Entries FICO Account Posting allsap-live

All the Inventory transactions will look for the valuation class and the corresponding G.L. Accounts and post
the values in the G.L accounts.

For Example: during Goods Receipt

Stock Account - Dr
G/R I/R Account - Cr
Freight Clearing account - Cr
Other expenses payable - Cr

During Invoice Verification

G/R I/R Account - Dr
Vendor - Cr

When the Goods are issued to the Production Order the following transactions takes place:

Consumption of Raw Materials - Dr
Stock A/c - Cr

When the Goods are received from the Production Order the following transactions takes place:

Inventory A/c - Dr
Cost of Goods Produced - Cr
Price difference - Dr/Cr
(depending on the difference between standard cost and actual cost)

When the Goods are dispatched to customer through delivery the following transactions takes place:

Cost of Goods Sold - Dr
Inventory A/c - Cr

When the Goods are issued to a Cost Center or charged off against expenses the following transactions takes place:

Repairs and Maintenance - Dr
Inventory A/c - Cr

When the Goods are stock transferred from one plant to another, the following transactions takes place:

Stock A/c - Dr (Receiving location)
Stock A/c - Cr (Sending location)
Price difference - Dr/Cr
(due to any difference between the standard costs between the two locations)

When the stocks are revalued, the following transactions takes place:

Stock A/c - Dr/Cr
Inventory Revaluation A/c - Cr / Dr

When the Work in Progress is calculated the following transaction takes place:

Work in Progress A/c - Dr
Change WIP A/c - Cr

Physical verification /shortages and excesses : Shortages/excesses on authorizations shall be adjusted using the physical inventory count transaction.

Important Tables in SAP FICO AA allsap-live

FI-AA-AA (AA)    Asset Accounting: Basic Functions – Master Data

ANKA Asset Classes: General Data ANLKL
ANKP Asset Classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart ANLKL / AFAPL
of Depreciation
ANKT Asset Classes: Description SPRAS / ANLKL
ANKV Asset Classes: Insurance Types ANLKL / VRSLFD
ANLA Asset Master Record Segment BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2
ANLB Depreciation Terms BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / AFABE

ANLU Asset Master Record User Fields .INCLUDE / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2
ANLW Insurable Values (Year Dependent) BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / VRSLFD /
ANLX Asset Master Record Segment BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2
ANLZ Time Dependent Asset Allocations BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / BDATU
FI-AA-AA (AA2)   Asset Accounting: Basic Functions – Master Data 2.0

ANAR Asset Types ANLAR
ANAT Asset Type Text SPRAS / ANLAR
FI-AA-AA (AB) Asset Accounting: Basic Functions –
Asset Accounting
ANEK Document Header Asset Posting BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / GJAHR /
ANEP Asset Line Items BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / GJAHR /
ANEV Asset Downpymt Settlement BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / GJAHR /
ANKB Asset Class: Depreciation Area ANLKL / AFAPL / AFABE / BDATU
ANLC Asset value Fields BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 / GJAHR /
ANLH Main Asset Number BUKRS / ANLN1
ANLP Asset Periodic Values BUKRS / GJAHR / PERAF / AFBNR /
FI-SL-VSR (GVAL) Special Purpose Ledger: Validation, Substitution and Rules

GB03 Validation / Substitution User VALUSER
GB92 Substitutions SUBSTID
GB93 Validation VALID

Important Tables in SAP FICO CO


Table Name           Description                       Important Fields
AUSP                 Characteristic Values             MANDT / OBJEK / ATINN / ATZHL
CO-KBAS              Overhead Cost Controlling
A132 Price per Cost Center MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS
A136 Price per Controlling Area MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS
A137 Price per Country / Region MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS
COSC CO Objects: Assignment of Origina MANDT / OBJNR / SCTYP / VERSN
CSSK Cost Center / Cost Element MANDT / VERSN / KOKRS / GJAHR
CSSL Cost Center / Activity Type MANDT / KOKRS / KOSTL / LSTAR

CO-KBASCORE Overhead Cost Controlling: General Services
CSKA Cost Elements (Data Dependent on MANDT / KTOPL / KSTAR
CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on MANDT / KOKRS / KSTAR / DATBI
CSKS Cost Center Master Data MANDT / KOKRS / KOSTL / DATBI
CO-OM (KACC)         Overhead Cost Controlling
COBK CO Object: Document Header MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR
COEJ CO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEJL CO Object: Line Items for Activit MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEJR CO Object: Line Items for SKF (by MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEJT CO Object: Line Items for Prices MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEP CO Object: Line Items (by Period) MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEPL CO Object: Line Items for Activit MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEPR CO Object: Line Items for SKF (by MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEPT CO Object: Line Items for Prices MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COKA CO Object: Control Data for Cost MANDT / OBJNR / GJAHR / KSTAR
COKL CO Object: Control Data for Activ MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR
COKP CO Object: Control Data for Prima MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR
COKR CO Object: Control Data for Stati MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR
COKS CO Object: Control Data for Secon MANDT / LEDNR / OBJNR / GJAHR
CO-OM-CEL (KKAL)     Cost Element Accounting (Reconciliation Ledger)
COFI01 Object Table for Reconciliation L MANDT / OBJNR
COFI02 Transaction Dependent Fields for MANDT / OBJNR
COFIP Single Plan Items for Reconciliat RCLNT / GL_SIRID
COFIS Actual Line Items for Reconciliat RCLNT / GL_SIRID

CO-OM-CCA Cost Center Accounting (Cost Accounting Planning RK-S) – What is RK-S
A138 Price per Company Code MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS
A139 Price per Profit Center MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS
CO-OM-OPA (KABR)     Overhead Orders: Application Development R/3 Cost Accounting Settlement
AUAA Settlement Document: Receiver Seg MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR
AUAB Settlement Document: Distribution MANDT / BELNR / BUREG / LFDNR
AUAI Settlement Rules per Depreciation MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR / AFABE
AUAK Document Header for Settlement MANDT / BELNR
AUAO Document Segment: CO Objects to b MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR
AUAV Document Segment: Transactions MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR
COBRA Settlement Rule for Order Settlem MANDT / OBJNR
COBRB Distribution Rules Settlement Rul MANDT / OBJNR / BUREG / LFDNR
CO-OM-OPA (KAUF)     Overhead Orders: Cost Accounting Orders
AUFK Order Master Data MANDT / AUFNR
AUFLAY0 Enttity Table: Order Layouts MANDT / LAYOUT
EC-PCA (KE1)         Profit Center Accounting
CEPC Profit Center Master Data Table MANDT / PRCTR / DATBI / KOKRS
CEPCT Texts for Profit Center Master Da MANDT / SPRAS / PRCTR / DATBI
CEPC_BUKRS Assignment of Profit Center to a MANDT / KOKRS / PRCTR / BUKRS
GLPCC EC-PCA: Transaction Attributes MANDT / OBJNR
GLPCO EC-PCA: Object Table for Account MANDT / OBJNR

EC-PCA BS (KE1C) PCA Basic Settings: Customizing for Profit Center Accounting
A141 Dependent on Material and Receive MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / KOKRS
A142 Dependent on Material MANDT / KAPPL / KSCHL / WERKS
A143 Dependent on Material Group MANDT / KAPPL /

Important Tables in SAP FI allsap-live

Financial Accounting

Table Name           Description                           Important Fields
Financial Accounting
FBAS             Financial Accounting “Basis”
BKPF Accounting Document Header BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR
BSEG Accounting Document Segment BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR / BUZEI
BSIP Index for Vendor Validation of Double BUKRS / LIFNR / WAERS / BLDAT /
BVOR Inter Company Posting Procedure BVORG / BUKRS / GJAHR / BELNR
EBKPF Accounting Document Header (docs from GLSBK / BELNR / GJHAR / GLEBK
External Systems)
FRUN Run Date of a Program PRGID
KLPA Customer / Vendor Linking NKULI / NBUKR / NKOAR / PNTYP

KNB4 Customer Payment History KUNNR / BUKRS
KNB5 Customer Master Dunning Data KUNNR / BUKRS / MABER
KNBK Customer Master Bank Details KUNNR / BANKS / BANKL / BANKN
KNC1 Customer Master Transaction Figures KUNNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
KNC3 Customer Master Special GL Transactions KUNNR / BUKRS / GJAHR / SHBKZ
LFB5 Vendor Master Dunning Data LIFNR / BUKRS / MABER
LFBK Vendor Master Bank Details LIFNR / BANKS / BANKL / BANKN
LFC1 Vendor Master Transaction Figures LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
LFC3 Vendor Master Special GL Transactions LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR / SHBKZ
VBKPF Document Header for Document Parking AUSBK / BUKRS / BELNR / GJHAR
FBASCORE         Financial Accounting General Services “Basis”
KNB1             Customer Master (Company Code)          KUNNR / BUKRS
LFA1 Vendor Master (General Section) LIFNR
LFB1 Vendor Master (company Code Section) LIFNR / BUKRS
SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) KTOPL / SAKNR
SKAT G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts – SPRAS / KTOPL / SAKNR
MAHNS Accounts Blocked by Dunning Selection KOART / BUKRS / KONKO / MABER
MHNK Dunning Data (Account Entries) LAUFD / LAUFI / KOART / BUKRS /
FI-GL-GL (FBS)   General Ledger Accounting: Basic Functions- G/L Accounts
SKAS             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts – SPRAS / KTOPL / SAKNR / SCHLW
Key Word list)
SKB1 G/L Account Master (Company Code) BUKRS / SAKNR
FI-GL-GL (FBSC) General Ledger Accounting: Basic
Functions - R/3 Customizing for G/L Accounts
FIGLREP Settings for G/L Posting Reports MANDT
TSAKR Create G/L account with reference BUKRS / SAKNR
FI-GL-GL (FFE) General Ledger Accounting: Basic
Functions - Fast Data Entry
KOMU Account Assignment Templates for G/L KMNAM / KMZEI
Account items
FI-AR-AR (FBD)   Accounts Receivable: Basic Functions - Customers

KNKA Customer Master Credit Management : KUNNR
Central Data
KNKK Customer Master Credit Management : KUNNR / KKBER
Control Area Data
KNKKF1 Credit Management : FI Status data LOGSYS / KUNNR / KKBER / REGUL
RFRR Accounting Data – A/R and A/P RELID / SRTFD / SRTF2
Information System
FI-BL-PT         Bank Accounting: Payment (BFIBL_CHECK_D)  Transactions – General Sections
PAYR             Payment Medium File                     ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / RZAWE /
PCEC Pre-numbered Check ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / STAPL
FI-BL-PT-AP(FMZA)Bank Accounting: Payment Transactions – Automatic Payments

F111G Global Settings for Payment Program for MANDT
Payment Requests
FDZA Cash Management Line Items in Payment KEYNO
PAYRQ Payment Requests KEYNO

What is the table name for G/L Master data, when we create centrally (T.Code - FS00)?

As far as general ledger master data is concerned, the following tables are involved :

Table name : SKB1 : G/L Account Master ( Company Code)
BUKRS : Company Code
SAKNR : G/L Account

Table name : SKA1 : G/L Account Master ( Chart of Accounts )
KTOPL : Char of Accounts
SAKNR : G/L Account

Table name : SKAT : G/L Account Master Record ( Chart of Accounts : Description )
SPRAS : Language
KTOPL : Char of Accounts
SAKNR : G/L Account